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Boxhead 2Play Rooms
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Boxhead 2Play Rooms     By: Sean Cooper
Play with your friend against the zombies or make your friend the enemy! 10 devastating weapons and more rooms!
Jon Bambo has joined forces with 3 other professional Zombie killers in the new Boxhead. 3 Modes of play (Single, Coop, Death match), 10 new Rooms (18 Rooms in total), devastating weaponry and your skill to defeat the nuisance of the Zombie and their buddy the Devil. New huge Rooms allow a new style of play, new options to change the way the game works and user-definable keys for both players.
Site: www.games.seantcooper.com
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MBM mmhmm @ 11:05am on 2009-06-09
yuh totally
,MBM @ 1:26pm on 2009-06-08