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Desktop TD Pro
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Desktop TD Pro     By: CasualCollective
Desktop TD Pro welcomes you to unlock the 24 custom Scenarios, think up devilish new modes in the Sandbox, race for your life in the Sprints and out think others in the Multiplayer. New graphics to bring it up to date and a few new Creeps to keep you on your toes. Find out how the speedy Arrows, damage sucking Decoys and cheating Hoppers will force you to rethink your mazes and your sanity.
The first five Scenarios are tutorials, so if you haven't played before start there. Otherwise you know the drill: Buy Towers, kill Creeps, build bigger Towers.
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@ 10:58am on 2009-06-08
meh for same game x2
@ 5:31am on 2009-06-07
first one was pretty good but this one seems like same ol
desktop td pro @ 6:18am on 2009-06-06
it is absolute crap dont play it it will be a big waste of your time