Everybody was Digshot fighting!

Your search for the author "amzipotatosheep" returned 5 matches.

  Author: amzipotatosheep
Catch all the blocks on the correct colored sides to win!
Spin 2
  Author: amzipotatosheep
Spin is back, but with new and improved gameplay. Now you dont need super powers to tell where blocks are coming from, due to the increased stage size! Also, some blocks are worth more than others!
Asteroid Dodger
  Author: amzipotatosheep
Dodge asteroids to get highscores! The longer you survive, the higher your score.
Gravity Game v2.0
  Author: amzipotatosheep
Try to catch the blue balls within the allotted time.
Fly or Die
  Author: amzipotatosheep
Try not to go splat but still get lots of points while plummeting from a building with randomly generating height.